Monday, April 30, 2012

Nestle Hot Chocolate Billboard Ad

       This billboard ad quickly caught my attention. The Nestle company used a unique technique to advertise their hot chocolate. For instance, these kinds of billboards are rarely seen, where thinks go outside of the rectangular border of the ad. Pictures of birds are usually not seen when advertising food either, but the blue sky background made them seem realistic and attention-catching. The effect of the hot chocolate splash also made the ad seem 3D, popping out to grasp the viewer's attention. However, I think that if there was more color and more words like "delicious" or "gotta have some", it would be even more effective in persuading the consumer to want to purchase their product. Overall, this persuaded me to want hot chocolate, mostly because of the texture of the hot chocolate. It also seems like Nestle relies on their company name to advertise, since they didn't have any other descriptive words. Oh boy, now I want hot chocolate! Any other comments? :)

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