Sunday, June 3, 2012

Costco Ink Cartridge Refill Service

InkInk In this Costco ad for ink cartridge refills, I noticed some of the advertising techniques that we've been learning in effect. First of all, the meaning of the logo "Think Green. Save Green" on the ink cartridge has a positive connotation to it. The majority of the people today in our society our concerned with "being green" or preserving the environment; so, the majority of the people who read this logo will think that if they buy this ink, then they will contribute in preserving the environment. Furthermore, I think Costco Wholesale has created a sort of cult for some people. Some relatives I know, for instance, think that everything from Costco is great quality and is sold for a reasonable price. Therefore, the company made sure to include its colors, red and blue letters, in its ad so that the viewer would be ensured that Costco is selling this product. I also think that "starting at $7.99" is a bit vague and is a weasel word phrase because the viewer doesn't know what product is being sold at the starting price. "Save up to 70%" could also be considered to be in the same category of weasel words because one will not save 70% on ALL products, but only under a certain category of products. Overall, I think this is an effective ad because now I want to buy my ink from Costco because it made me think that I'll be contributing to preserve the environment and getting a good deal on the ink at the same time. What do YOU think? :)

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